About the Cecilia J. Lauby Teacher Education Center

The Cecilia J. Lauby Teacher Education Center (TEC) was founded in 2004 and was named after a beloved director of clinical experiences, Dr. Cecilia J. Lauby-Ryan. The Lauby Teacher Education Center brought together a number of departments into one location to better serve students as they progress through teacher education.
All of the work in the Lauby Teacher Education Center is guided by the Council for Teacher Education (CTE), which operates as the governing and policy-making board of university-wide teacher education. CTE, one of the nation's most active governing bodies, meets every two weeks, reviews data and operations, and initiates policy changes.
The Lauby Teacher Education Center (TEC) is responsible for the clinical component of teacher education at Illinois State University. TEC places students in traditional student teaching sites, professional development schools (PDS) and non-traditional student teaching experiences. In addition, TEC works with programs to facilitate clinical experiences. TEC is also responsible for facilitating the diversity requirement for all candidates.
In addition to clinical experiences, TEC monitors the Teacher Education Requirements to ensure that all students have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to become effective teachers. TEC personnel collect and disseminate PBA data to programs across campus. In addition, TEC reports data and other information to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation(CAEP) for accreditation purposes.