Areas of Responsibility
The Council for Teacher Education has four primary areas of responsibility: leadership, liaison/advocacy, planning/development, regulation.
- Provide leadership for the development and enforcement of academic standards that help meet the Illinois State University goal of providing "undergraduate and graduate education which is of the highest quality in the State of Illinois" as pertains to undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs
- Review state and national issues and trends in teacher education, making appropriate recommendations to the University, colleges, and departments and serving as a forum for university-wide discussion of reform issues
- Inform systematically the University community about major issues, concerns, and developments in teacher education at the local, state, and national level
- Inform the Illinois State Board of Education, accreditation bodies, appropriate learned societies and other organizations at local, state, and national levels of issues and concerns related to teacher education in general and to programs at Illinois State University in specific
- Develop methods for involving public school personnel in Council for Teacher Education activities
- Work with the Provost and the Academic Planning Committee to help to specify the role of teacher education within this multi-purpose institution, and to participate in University academic planning as it relates to teacher education. This planning role includes the following:
- anticipating needs for new programs or new initiatives,
- keeping the Provost and the University's academic planners aware of these anticipated needs,
- working with the Provost's office in seeking ways to request and to obtain funds to implement new initiatives,
- working with the Provost and the University's academic planners in identifying the nature of the ongoing changing role of teacher education in the mission of the University
- advising the Provost and University academic planners regarding teacher education programs which have been designated for consolidation or elimination
- Seek cooperation among departments and colleges to work for common educational goals
- Work with the Provost and the Academic Planning Committee to help to specify the role of teacher education within this multi-purpose institution, and to participate in University academic planning as it relates to teacher education. This planning role includes the following:
- Monitor program requirements as mandated by the state or by accrediting bodies in teacher education and assure timely implementation
- Request entitlement program approval from the Illinois State Board of Education
- Establish and monitor policies related to teacher education curricula within the University
- Serve as a curriculum committee within the University curricular process, reviewing and approving teacher education curriculum proposals prior to their submission to the University Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council
- Assure students have the opportunity for due process in resolving problems related to teacher education
- Develop or assure the development of assessment plans related to teacher education as mandated by the University, state, and National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education or as advocated by the Council, and to monitor the implementation of these assessment plans. This includes designing, conducting, analyzing (or at least taking responsibility for seeing that this is done), and reporting the results of these follow-up studies of teacher education graduates to appropriate parties
- Formulate, monitor, and revise policies for the admission and retention of pre-service teachers and other education professional