You may schedule an appointment to have the test at Student Health Services ((309) 438-2778), with your personal physician, or at the county health department. There are several different TB Test variations and all are accepted. The cost of testing is commonly around $30. Please Note: If completing your TB test at ISU health services, you must gain a copy and provide it to our offices as they do not share results with other offices on campus without consent.
Tuberculosis (TB) Test
When to Complete
The semester before student teaching.
Early Childhood Education majors only - Before beginning your first clinical experience.
Your results
All teacher candidates should have an up-to-date negative TB test (within the last three years) on file with the Lauby Teacher Education Center. Your clinical experience sites (pre-student teaching) and your student teaching site may require you to submit a new TB test prior to beginning your experience in their district.
All TB test results must be a copy of a report from your provider, showing the name of the provider, your name, the date of the test, the name of the doctor or clinic that ran the test, and that the results were negative.
To return your test results to the Teacher Education Center, please do one of the following:
- Advised Method: Send a secure electronic file with this SendTo link. Fill in the top of the form with your ISU email, full name, UID, and major. Add your file(s) and then click Send. This will go directly to the Lauby Teacher Education Center. This also ensures you have a copy for your record.
- Bring a copy to DeGarmo Room #56