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Clinical experiences (school-based activities before student teaching)*

College students completing observations (including Practicum, Doctoral, Pre-Clinical, Clinical, and Nursing students) are classified by District 87 as Student Observers. Student Observers will be allowed in District 87 buildings only after all paperwork has been completed, and their file has received clearance from their background checks:

  • Complete the National Criminal Background Check Process at ISU if not already done. (Required to register for clinical courses.)
  • Go to District 87's webpage and click on the "Student Observer Classification and Information Sheet." This includes a link to your required background check through Raptor Technologies. There is a small fee ($5 in August 2022).

*Special education Field-Based students and all PDS interns are required to complete District 87 student teacher requirements.

Pre-Student Teaching Clinical experiences (school-based activities before student teaching)*

Teacher candidates completing a clinical experience in a Unit 5 school are required to:

  1. Complete the National Criminal Background Check Process at ISU if not already done. (Required to register for clinical courses as of Fall 2020).
  2. Complete additional requirements for Unit 5, including a name-based CBC.
    *For student teaching placements and PDS internships see Student Teaching for Unit 5 requirements.

I have not completed the Unit 5 clinical requirements for the current school year (Fall, Spring and Summer).

  1. Complete the Unit 5 CBC information.
  2. At the end of the survey, access a link to complete a name-based CBC. Fill the form in only once.
  3. Submit your payment of $8 (exact cash, check, or electronic) to the Unit 5 district office. Include your name, phone number, and the words "ISU Teacher Candidate" directly on the check or on the envelope with the cash in it.
  4. Once payment is received by the Unit 5 District Office you may begin your clinical experience in Unit 5.

I completed the Unit 5 clinical requirements in a previous semester of this school year (2024-25, 2025-26).

  1. Complete the Unit 5 CBC Information.
  2. After completing the survey you will be cleared to begin a clinical experience in Unit 5.

Unit 5 District Office
ATTN: Criminal Background Check
1809 W. Hovey
Normal, IL 61761

Chicago Public Schools

Field experiences

Teacher candidates who work in Chicago Public Schools for the majority of a semester (i.e. through STEP-UP or CONNECT) must first complete the Chicago Public School Background Check for Field Experience.

Bus Trips

Please contact your professor and/or bus trip organizer for Criminal Background Check expectations and clinical documentation possibilities.

Other school Placement

  • If not prearranged by an ISU department coordinator or instructor, complete a Self-Placement Form. Self-placements cannot be made in Unit 5, District 87, Metcalf or U-High.
  • Complete the Diversity Affirmation Form if a diverse experience is required and the school is not listed as diverse on the Illinois School Report Card.
  • Contact the district office for other district-specific requirements.
  • Submit the Self-Placement Form, Diversity Affirmation Form to your instructor prior to completing the online pre-student teaching experience doc.

Community Center or Non-School Agency

  • Complete the Diversity Affirmation Form if a diverse experience is required and the site is not diverse in the ISU Pre-Student Teaching document Database. Diversity forms should be turned into your professor, who can override your experience to diversity.
  • Contact the community center or non-school agency for other requirements.