Gateway 1: Pre-Student Teaching
- Fall student teachers must complete all Gateway 1 requirements by July 15.
- Spring student teachers must complete all Gateway 1 requirements by December 15.
Please meet with your advisor once per semester for additional information specific to your major.
- PBA Teacher Education Workshop (Recommended to do first)
- National Criminal Background Check* (ISU-specific background check)
- Violence Against Youth and Sex Offender Registries - completed by Lauby TEC staff
- 30 hours of coursework at ISU
- Communication 110 (Grade of C or better)
- English 101 (Grade of C or better)
- Mandatory Reporter of Child Abuse Training
- Safety Education Assessment
- Cumulative GPA Requirement
- Department Approval - given by advisors
- Disposition Concerns Assessments
- ISBE State Content Test*
- Tuberculosis (TB) Test*
- Foreign Language Students Only: Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)*
*Requires additional fees
Gateway 2: Student Teaching
Teacher candidates must complete all requirements in Gateways 1 and 2 by the end of student teaching.
- 100 Clinical Hours including 50 diverse hours
- Disposition Concerns Assessments
- Cumulative GPA
- Student Teaching (Grade of C or better)
*Requires additional fees